速報APP / 活動 / Indian Entrepreneurs Symposium

Indian Entrepreneurs Symposium





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Indian Entrepreneurs Symposium(圖1)-速報App

Indian Entrepreneurs' Symposium 4.0 is a platform for entrepreneurs to discover and unleash breakthrough Ideas, Innovations, and Insights needed to realize their power to disrupt the social, economic and tech ecosystem. In its 4th Annual edition, IES 4.0 aims to bring together inspiring entrepreneurs and investors for creating new opportunities for investment, build new partnerships and collaboration avenues and highlight entrepreneurship as means to address some of the most intractable social challenges.

Every single touch point at Indian Entrepreneurs' Symposium 4.0 will create new knowledge, survival manual strategies and connections that are needed to start and grow a business. The conference will encompass inspiring keynotes challenging your preconceptions, educational breakouts unearthing the next big business ideas and execution practices and networking hurdles that will leave you free to grow your mind, business and the bottom-line

Indian Entrepreneurs Symposium(圖2)-速報App

Indian Entrepreneurs Symposium(圖3)-速報App

Indian Entrepreneurs Symposium(圖4)-速報App

Indian Entrepreneurs Symposium(圖5)-速報App

Indian Entrepreneurs Symposium(圖6)-速報App

Indian Entrepreneurs Symposium(圖7)-速報App