速報APP / 娛樂 / Vidi Pro Hd Video Downloader

Vidi Pro Hd Video Downloader





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Vidi Pro Hd Video Downloader(圖1)-速報App

Vidi Pro Hd Video Downloader is a new and revolutionary app in play store that help you to download video from internet as easy as possible.

You can use our app to download video from multiple video streaming website, our downloader can be used to download multiple files at the same time.

You can choose resolution for the video based on the url you provide to our app, you can download videos in any connection both in wifi or in mobile networks.

Vidi Pro Hd Video Downloader(圖2)-速報App

How to use Vidi Pro HD Video Downloader

1. Open browser on your android phone

2. Open url of the video

Vidi Pro Hd Video Downloader(圖3)-速報App

3. Share video url to Vidi Pro Hd Video Downloader or Copy url

4. Open Vidi Pro HD Vido Downloader ( if you share url it will automatically open the app) then paste the url of video.

5. Click search video and wait for a moment for app to search video download url

Vidi Pro Hd Video Downloader(圖4)-速報App

6. After video url obtained you can download and choose video quality for the download

7. You can download multiple times in background

8. You can download Any video size without limit

Vidi Pro Hd Video Downloader(圖5)-速報App

9. You can download unlimited times without limitation

**Important notice**

You cannot download video from youtube our app do not support youtube.

Vidi Pro Hd Video Downloader(圖6)-速報App

We does not hold responsibility of how you use this app please be wise when using this app