速報APP / 天氣 / ExoSnow



檔案大小:28.8 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Do you want to explore the current snow cover state on any place in the world?

“ExoSnow” provides you with global snow cover information based on near real-time

NASA satellite data.

- Snow cover data is updated once daily before 6am GMT

- Displayed data integrates the satellite observations of the previous day

- Current version incorporates MODIS Terra and Aqua satellites

- Spatial resolution per snow pixel is 500 m globally

- Cloud gaps are interpolated based on machine learning algorithms


"ExoSnow" is aimed at everyone interested in current snow cover states. Snow cover information are vital in tourism (e.g. skiing, hiking, biking), insurance (e.g. lack and abundance of snow), infrastructure (e.g. road conditions), water management (e.g. flood control, resources) to name just a few sectors. For more information on data availability and direct access, please contact us: contact@exolabs.ch.


The different colors display different levels of snow cover confidence / snow cover fraction:

- blue = high

- green = medium

- yellow = low

In high latitudes during winter the polar darkness decreases the snow detection confidence. Grey areas indicate indicate insufficient information due to sustained cloud cover for two and more weeks.

Next version outlook:


- further satellites: VIIRS and Sentinel-3

- high-resolution (20 m) snow cover data in selected mountain areas (premium edition)

