速報APP / 生活品味 / YogaSutra - Liberating the Soul

YogaSutra - Liberating the Soul





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:91/GH-12, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi - 110087 India

YogaSutra - Liberating the Soul(圖1)-速報App

Don't know what is enlightenment? Is your knowledge about enlightenment scattered? This app contains all the knowledge required for enlightenment.

After absorbing knowledge in this app you will:

YogaSutra - Liberating the Soul(圖2)-速報App

1. Have a pure diet that feeds your soul not your mind

2. Live a lifestyle that does not hurt others

YogaSutra - Liberating the Soul(圖3)-速報App

3. Know who you are, what you are made up of and where you are headed

4. Perform the right Yoga required for enlightenment.

YogaSutra - Liberating the Soul(圖4)-速報App

5. Enter Super Consciousness state of mind at will

6. Destroy your desires and liberate your soul in waking life.

YogaSutra - Liberating the Soul(圖5)-速報App

You also get a Super Consciousness Tool to help your mind transcend to Super Consciousness.

YogaSutra - Liberating the Soul(圖6)-速報App