速報APP / 運動 / AccelLogger






版本需求:Android 2.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Neumayerstraße 15 D-67433 Neustadt


Simple App that logs accelerometer data to the external memory (typically in /sdcard/accellogger/) as CSV file (time stamp, absolute acceleration and acceleration in x, y and z axes -> tab separated) and also allows to view the absolute acceleration value as a graph directly on the phone.

This app has been successfully used to analyzed the ground contact times of jumps on a Sony Xperia Ray (see paper reference below). However, other phones (such as Samsung Galaxy SII) might have a limited measuring range so that this does not work with them. But hey, this App is free, so simply download and try it with your phone! Perhaps you find other cool applications for it?! Then please let me know. ;-)

Any feedback on measuring ranges and sampling rates of other phones is highly appreciated, you are welcome to just post it in the comments here.

Please cite the following references if you successfully do any scientific work with this App:

Hummel, O., Fehr, U. & Ferger, K. (2013). Beyond iBeer – On the Potential of Smartphone Sen-sors for Performance Diagnostics in Sports. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport. 12 (1), 46-60.

The Abstract can be found here:



O. Hummel & U. Fehr: Möglichkeiten zur Nutzung handelsüblicher Mobiltelefone in der Analyse von Sprungbewegungen (in German), in Proceedings of Sportinformatik 2012.

English title roughly: Possibilities for Using off the Shelf Smartphones for Analyzing Jumps

You can download the paper here: http://www.informatik.uni-konstanz.de/index.php?eID=tx_nawsecuredl&u=0&file=fileadmin/informatik/ag-saupe/Sportinformatik_2012/full_papers/9.pdf

Tested Phones, sampling rates and measuring ranges (without warranty for correctness):

Sony Xperia Ray: 100 Hz, +/- 40 m/s^2


Samsung Galaxy S II: 100 Hz, +/- 20 m/s^2

Motorola Razor: 100 Hz, +/-80 m/s^2
