速報APP / 工具 / 回家功課



檔案大小:11 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 5.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:簡體中文, 繁體中文, 英語


[台灣教育精選第一名] [PCHome下載 今日首選] 回家功課 App 市面上第一款教小朋友做直式數學的全中文 App。 真正讓小朋友 “思考” 數學,而不是單純地 “選答案”。

回家功課 App 專注在國小低年級學童的數學練習。充份利用 iPhone App 直覺手勢的操作特性,讓小朋友原先在紙本上的直式數學的練習,變成在 iPhone 上的填字解謎的小遊戲。 透過手指拖曳的方式,將算式的數字和答案填入正確的位置,如同小朋友在練習本上做數學的方式一樣。



1 選擇小朋友。

2 選擇習題類型。

3 開始做習題。

4 將上方算式的拖入直式算式的紅色框框中

5 將右方的數字拖入直式算式的答案框框中

6 填完按下一題。(答對會提示)

每份習題都有 20 道題目,大約只要花 5~10 分鐘就可以練習完畢。小朋友每天只要做一,兩份習題,慢慢地就會越來越熟悉加減乘除的計算,



1. App 記錄小朋友每一種題型的平均成績和進步趨勢。

✔ 所以您可以知道小朋友對於那一種類型的題型較拿手,那一種類型較弱。針對不拿手的題型,


2. App 記錄小朋友每一題的答題時間和錯誤的步驟,讓您可以和小朋友溝通答題時候的想法。

✔ App 幫您記錄小朋友解題的步驟,並標示出小朋友做錯的步驟。您可以一眼就看出,小朋友的問題在那裡,並給予幫助。

除了讓小朋友可以用遊戲的方式學習數學計算,回家功課 App 希望給予家長和老師一個了解小朋友學習過程的工具,



✔ 加減運算

✔ 乘除運算

✔ 五個小朋友記錄。如需更多記錄,可以到新題庫購買,再擴充 10 個名額。




Homework App is the first App to teach children how to do long calculation.

By using instinct gesture, the process of learning long calculation becomes an interesting and pleasant puzzle game.

Children can drag the numbers in the expression on the screen upside to the right positions in the long calculation expression, as doing on the paper sheet. During the process, the melody music is playing and positive feedback would be given as children give right answers.

Easy and Simple Usage

1 Choose a kid

2 Choose a question type

3 Start doing question

3 Drag numbers in the expression to the right positions in long calculation expression

4 Drag numbers on the right side to the right positions.

5 Click next

Each exam has 20 questions, about 5 ~ 10 minutes to go. Children only need to do one or two exams everyday,

you would see the improvement of learning process.

Important Features for Parents and Teachers:

1. App records all the study results of each type of questions for each child.

✔ So that you would be aware of that which types of question your kids can do better and which types are not.

Therefore, parents or teachers can provide proper assists to help them doing better.

2. App records each step of answering and mark the wrong step for review, as well as answering time.

✔ With this feature, parents and teachers would know where the problem are and how to help children.

Basic Types:

✔ Addition

✔ Subtraction

✔ Multiplication

✔ Division

The goal we would like to achieve is to provide a better way to learning for our kids.


--- iDigiFun Team

