版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本
Activate exists to help people know and walk with Jesus. Our focus is spreading God's Word around the world. The name Activate comes from the verse: "The word of God is living and active..." (Hebrews 4:12) because we believe the Bible is good and powerful. Our prayer is that everyone would have access to God's Word and experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus. Activate was birthed out of Sebastopol Christian Church in California with a global vision.
There are five major components to Activate:
1) Serving: Meeting practical needs as people share God's compassion on a daily basis.
2) Internet: Reaching people around the globe through many websites.
3) Television: Bringing the Scripture with clarity and love into millions of homes.
4) Radio: Leading people to God through both interview and teaching programs.
5) Publication: Providing resources to build people up in their faith.
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This custom app was developed by Impact Factors