速報APP / 娛樂 / Chameleon Wallpapers HD

Chameleon Wallpapers HD





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本


Chameleon Wallpapers HD(圖1)-速報App

This is a MUST have app for every Chameleon fan!

Who does not want a beautiful image of a Chameleon on his mobile background? This app allows you to easily set images as wallpaper. Sharing your favorites with your friends also does not take any effort. This app contains the nicest and most beautiful Chameleon pictures and everything in HD so it is the best quality you can find. Download this great app now and enjoy your new backgrounds, wallpapers and images.

This app contains images off:

- Chameleon wallpaper

- Chameleon lockscreen

Chameleon Wallpapers HD(圖2)-速報App

- Chameleon background

- And everything related

Feutures of app:

- Easily set as background

- Share with friends

Chameleon Wallpapers HD(圖3)-速報App

- All HD pictures

If you ever have a request for a particular wallpaper app, do not hesitate to contact me.

Information about the Chameleon:

Chameleons or chamaeleons (family Chamaeleonidae) are a distinctive and highly specialized clade of Old World lizards with 202 species described as of June 2015. These species come in a range of colors, and many species have the ability to change color.

Chameleons are distinguished by their zygodactylous feet; their very extensive, highly modified, rapidly extrudable tongues; their swaying gait; and crests or horns on their brow and snout. Most species, the larger ones in particular, also have a prehensile tail. Chameleons' eyes are independently mobile, but in aiming at a prey item, they focus forward in coordination, affording the animal stereoscopic vision.

Chameleon Wallpapers HD(圖4)-速報App

Chameleons are adapted for climbing and visual hunting. They live in warm habitats that range from rain forest to desert conditions, with various species occurring in Africa, Madagascar, southern Europe, and across southern Asia as far as Sri Lanka. They also have been introduced to Hawaii, California, and Florida, and often are kept as household pets.

Chameleon Wallpapers HD(圖5)-速報App