速報APP / 生產應用 / QuickScan: OCR Scanner

QuickScan: OCR Scanner



檔案大小:81.7 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


QuickScan: OCR Scanner(圖1)-速報App

QuickScan turns your iPhone into a multipage scanner for documents, receipts, notes, invoices, whiteboards and other paper text. With Fast Scanner, you can quickly scan your documents, then print or email them as multipage PDF or JPEG files. Moreover, you can save the PDF files in your iPhone or open them in other apps such as iBook, PDF Reader, etc. With a list of editing features such as:

- File Manager

- OCR Text Reader

- Underlining

- Password Protection

- Annotation

- Signatures

- Print


- Page detector ( Makes cropping much easier)

- PDF documents

- The best scanner cropping​ tool

QuickScan: OCR Scanner(圖2)-速報App

- Unmatched scan fidelity

- Simple UI

- Rotating tool

- Greyscale

- Black & white

- Color

- Share with many social and cloud services (if they are downloaded on your device)

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Got questions or suggestions? Please don’t hesitate to email us at saphiretechnologies@gmail.com

For complete access to all QuickScan features, you will need to allow access to the following:

*Photos – so you can import your snapshots and create PDF documents with them.

*Camera – so you can capture, scan, and manage documents in the app

支援平台:iPhone, iPad