速報APP / 天氣 / Zephyrus Pro Anemometer

Zephyrus Pro Anemometer





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Loc. Fasanara 2 37020 Valgatara (VR) Italy

Zephyrus Pro Anemometer(圖1)-速報App

This application brings the functionalities of an Anemometer (Wind Meter) and of a Wind Spectrum Analyzer to your phone.No sensors required: realtime wind speed reading (usually max 20 m/s, with a little trick up to 30 m/s: see the user guide) just using your smartphone microphone.

Outstanding features, multilingual, cross-platform and an impressive calibration: do you want more? simply ask. More than 300.000 downloads in the various editions: simply the best!

Suitable for any winter and summer windsport.

>>ZephyrPro at a glance (no ads)

- Dynamic and Average wind speed measuring modes with real time charts, wind direction display

Zephyrus Pro Anemometer(圖2)-速報App

+ Multiple units of measure (m/s, Km/h, knots, fps, mph, Beaufort scale)

+ Professional calibration page

+ Customizable measuring direction for tablets (DownWind, UpWind)

+ Adjustable wind smoothing factor, ideal to stabilize measures/graphs with variable winds

+ Wind Spectrum Analyzer with real time linear and logarithmic charts

Zephyrus Pro Anemometer(圖3)-速報App

+ WindChill Calculator (NWS formula), suitable to calculate the windchill index

+ WC temperature display (from sensor or weather service)

+ Settable cutoff frequency of the wind band, in order to avoid some specific interference

+ Local current weather service

+ Supported languages: English, Español, Italiano, Português

Zephyrus Pro Anemometer(圖4)-速報App

This application is not intended to replace scientific instrumentation, but with a good calibration it can come close to a real anemometer device.

Read the embedded User Guide: for any info or troubleshooting you can contact us at support@gaiacons.com.

Zephyrus Pro Anemometer(圖5)-速報App