速報APP / 遊戲 / Kolirbot






版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本





In this fast-paced action game you are an astronaut that traped in deep space on rolling platform, as if it was not enough, you constantly attacked by falling from space different kinds of Kolirbots, some of which you can avoid simply by moving away from their path and letting them to disperse in black haze, while others will push from platform, turn into a missles and try to know you closer...much, much closer. Your only option is to use all your skills and strategy to shoot as much as possible colorbots while they are still falling, try and dodge the one's you couldn't hit by tricking them to fly in wrong direction in the moment when they landing onto platform or "simply" jumping over them.

The more points you get the faster you will bring falling stars which will help you to destroy other enemies, but also can brick you space-suit if you deside to come close to them.


Game won't speed up or add way too many enemies but if you will keep letting enemies fall on platform - you will get trapped, as it will be close to impossible to avoid them.

As all you attention should be focused on falling colorbots, searching for move/shoot/jump buttons on screen is quite distracting, that's why controlls are separated on 3 intuitive blocks:


- left half of screen - move left/right by swiping you finger;

- right upper side of screen - jumping;


- right lower side of screen - shooting;
