速報APP / 商業 / BQatar




檔案大小:65.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


BQatar is the first application to work on being an advertising company .


Application on the mobile, it is a first application to work on being an advertising company. Adds information, news item, updates pictures . That the company shares. The registered company in Bqatar becomes recognized and watched by all other companies and browsers of Bqatar Whether they are following your company's products and your customers or customers of other companies. Every person that downloaded the app and interested in following the movement of the economy and everything that the company shares from products or advertisements and offers, and followers (person or company) in Qatar or living in the other countries and by that consists a network network of people and companies, following up the news and latest products of the companies . by this , the economy will getting better and the companies can get the feed back continuously from the customers in all over the world . where companies with each other, or with their customers following the updating news through Bqatar in all over the world. In the same time the company or the product known to everyone.


This is the first edition of B Qatar, The release will be updated continuously because your ideas and suggestions are the source of our creativity


支援平台:iPhone, iPad