速報APP / 遊戲 / Tron Racer

Tron Racer





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:B-8 subhash appartment, gujarat

Tron Racer(圖1)-速報App

TRON RACER - Blast your motorcycle past the competition! Your goal is to try to cut off the other player’s bikes and make them crash into your line.

TRON RACER - Choice of your favorite Sound Music and different Game Themes! Tap left of your bike to turn left side. Tap right of your bike to turn right side. To Score More, Try to Cover Your Enemy.

Enjoy Unlimited Fun..!!!

TRON supports lots of user’s choice options that makes TRON game as an Unique game:

1) Bike Color select from 6 colors

2) Toggle Music / SFX on/off

Tron Racer(圖2)-速報App

3) Toggle FPS counter

4) Change Camera mode

5) Select number of players between 2 and 6

6) Select Arena Size (Small, Medium, Large)

7) Select Game Speed (Slow, Normal, Fast, Extreme)

Using TRON Game, the player can control the speed of all bikes from the settings menu.

Tron Racer(圖3)-速報App

Hope you will Enjoy unlimited fun with TRON Game.

Note: Increasing the Arena size and adding players reduces performance.

Tron Racer(圖4)-速報App