速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Christmas Radio Stations

Christmas Radio Stations





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Christmas Radio Stations(圖1)-速報App

Christmas non-stop 24 hour music party. Every song a dance hit!

Christmas Radio Stations(圖2)-速報App

Christmas music comprises a variety of genres of music normally performed or heard around the Christmas season.

Christmas Radio Stations(圖3)-速報App

More recently popular Christmas songs, often Christmas songs introduced in theater, television, film, or other entertainment media, tend to be specifically about Christmas or have a wintertime theme.

Christmas Radio Stations(圖4)-速報App

They are typically not overtly religious. The most popular set of these titles—heard over airwaves, on the Internet, in shopping centres and lifts, even on the street during the Christmas season—have been composed and performed from the 1930s onward.

Christmas Radio Stations(圖5)-速報App

"Jingle Bells", "Jolly Old Saint Nicholas", and "Up on the House Top", however, date from the mid-19th century.

Christmas Radio Stations(圖6)-速報App

Christmas Radio Stations(圖7)-速報App

Christmas Radio Stations(圖8)-速報App