速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Chemical Engineering Chapter Wise Quiz

Chemical Engineering Chapter Wise Quiz


檔案大小:4.2 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Chemical Engineering Chapter Wise Quiz(圖1)-速報App

This Chemical Engineering Quiz App is Designed to help you for the best practice and preparation for your Chemical Engineering Examinations and Competitions.

This app is developed for Engineering students who are in Chemical Engineering.

You have best way to test and improve your knowledge in Chemical Engineering with this app.

This App Quiz Questions Covers the below Chapters.

1. Basic Chemical Engineering

2. Chemical Engineering Plant Economics

3. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

4. Chemical Process

5. Chemical Reaction Engineering

6. Environmental Engineering

7. Fertiliser Technology

8. Fluid Mechanics

Chemical Engineering Chapter Wise Quiz(圖2)-速報App

9. Fuels and Combustion

10. Furnace Technology

11. Heat Transfer

12. Mass Transfer

13. Materials and Construction

14. Petroleum Refinery Engineering

15. Polymer Technology

16. Process Equipment and Plant Design

17. Refractory Technology

18. Mechanical Operations

19. Nuclear Power Engineering

20. Process Control and Instrumentation

Chemical Engineering Chapter Wise Quiz(圖3)-速報App

21. Stoichiometry

This is one of the best app for Chemical Engineering Multiple Choice Questions Quiz on App Store. This app helps you preparing for your exams, interviews and It can refresh your knowledge immediately any where any time.

This Quiz App contains 11 types of Quiz formats with more than 2000 questions.

App features:

- Simple User Interface

- Chapter Wise Questions

- Favorite Questions

- Strong Questions

- Weak Questions

- Sharing the Questions with Friends while playing quiz

- Bookmark a question while playing quiz

- Timer available for each quiz

Chemical Engineering Chapter Wise Quiz(圖4)-速報App

- You can refresh the Strong, Weak and Favorite Questions with a single click

We'll update new questions in every updated version of app.

Please email us in case of any errors/omissions to: hariv1520@gmail.com.

Chemical Engineering Chapter Wise Quiz(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad