版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本
1) EgyptianStrokeNetwork APP
A customized mobile smartphone application, “الشبكة المصرية لعلاج السكتات الدماغية” (MENA-SINO, Inc, Alexandria, Egypt) was developed in an effort to streamline our Alex-Stroke-60/75 min workflow model described above.
2) Important features of this application include:
◆ Prehospital detection of the stroke type using Arabic version RACE interactive algorithm which direct the user to the nearest hospital suitable for stroke services using GPS functionality and according the calculated score at this point of time. Additionally , Real-time tracking of the patient's exact position during transport using global positioning system (GPS).
◆ Notification to the stroke team of basic patient information and demographics
◆ Recording events in the workflow in Automated time-stamping fashion.
◆ The ability for communication among stroke team members in Real-time, secure Fashion
◆ Ability to open secure 2 way A/V Telecommunication channel to help ER physcian in remote facility to triage the patient properly.
◆ Ability for transmission of patient demographics and clinical information.
◆ Generation of a summary document in portable document format (PDF) format that can be uploaded into the electronic medical record