速報APP / 工具 / Contracts Manager Tree Dir

Contracts Manager Tree Dir





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本


Contracts Manager Tree Dir(圖1)-速報App

The application is designed to create and maintain information about contracts, keeping track of expiration and to alert the user. Contracts can be of various kinds. For example, contracts for insurance, for supplies, implementation, etc.

The information for each contract( his description) includes: - a brief name; - date of conclusion; - final date for implementation; - extended description by a template and, if desired storage contract itself.

Descriptions of contracts stored in a hierarchy of folders. The app provides a convenient means to build many different hierarchies of folders and contracts, each folder may contain folders and names of contracts with the date of signing and expiry date. Each node has an image area when pressed like a directory of files expands and collapse. Further with each contract is shown equipped with a color expiring the deadline for implementing days - neutral, yellow, orange and red. These data the user sets as an option depending on the order of the colors of occurrence. For example, a greater number of days until the deadline for yellow color, less days for orange and at least days for red.

Contracts Manager Tree Dir(圖2)-速報App

In the folder names and contracts can be searched by text, finding matches is displayed with checks in boxing coloring.

For extended description of the contract can use a template that was previously introduced as an option. A template is a multiline text box to edit a label at the beginning of each row. Sample entries: - contract number; - Name; - Object; - Insurance company. Using a template data to be entered after the label without label destroyed.

Full description for the selected contract (click on its name in the tree ) is displayed in the dialogue box. From this dialogue can be entered in depth review of the contract. Consideration of contracts as files passing through the choice of means, such as for files with the extension: .pdf, .doc, .rtf, .jpg and others.

Contracts Manager Tree Dir(圖3)-速報App

When entering or later when updating the description of the contract the way for access to the file of contract runs from choice of the files directory of the device and store information for the contract. Recommended files of contracts can be stored in one or only a few folders on the device.

When deleting a contract can be chosen only delete the description, and the other option is to delete the file of contract and description.

The app allows to perform three types of references in contracts from all folders from date to date: - on the date of conclusion of the contract; - on the date of contract execution and content of the text in extended description of the contract. In all these reports has described before coloring to expire date of contracts.

Contracts Manager Tree Dir(圖4)-速報App

The application works with data stored in a database (DB) type SQLite named contractsManager.db. Upon initial installation of the application is available for execution (or the menu of startup activity) function initiate data base .With the implementation of this function database are initsilized and show examples of data that can be erased and resume work.

The app has a function for regular alarm at a specific time of day the notification - message: "There is expired date" or "No expired date" and short ringing. A version before Android 4.3 has just only ringing.

The app has a feature for export, import and sending the database and file data from selected root folder in a file named ContractsFile.txt. The import and export operate in main memory of the device. With the sending can be selected recipient, for example Skype, e-mail and others.

Contracts Manager Tree Dir(圖5)-速報App