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अंक ज्योतिष गाइड - Ank Jyotish Guide - Numerology
Numerology is a science that studies the correlation between the Numbers and happening in our life. This science is normally based on various systems of Numerology like Ruling Number, Birth Path Number and Personal Year Number.
Know about your moolank and all the information related with your moolank.
This app is helpful in providing solutions of the problems.
normally numerology should be studied with your friends or family members for correct understanding,
अंकशास्त्र की ज्योतिष में खास जगह है। इसके माध्यम से ना सिर्फ अपने स्वभाव की विशेषताओं को जान सकते हैं बल्कि भविष्य का अंदाजा लगा सकते हैं। आइए आपके मूलांक को जानिए ।।
A name which brings luck and prosperity to youbecomes your lucky name. Similarily, your lucky numbers help you tobecome successful in any undertaking.
A lucky day of the week which falls on your lucky number orfriendly number is more favorable.
An authentic and comprehensive app on the mystery of numbers asrevealed by the ancient masters.
To the conventional scientist, numbers are merely symbols ofcomparative quantities, but in the broader, metaphysical sense,they assume a deeper, more profound significance.
it enables you to understand the connection between yournumerological patterns and your degree of abundance, health, andgeneral well-being. Overall, delving into the world of numbers willprovide you with a simple and accurate way to decipher your experiences in the same manner that a road map helps you tonavigate a route that you haven't previously travelled.
Numbers are magical, they can tell your past, present andfuture.
After years of consideration it is believed that numbers has a lotof impact on ones life.
Although, it is not scientific, but mystics and magical.
Tags :
magic of numbers
importance of numerology in our life
ank vigyan
jeevan main ankon ka mahatav
ank or bhagya
अंक ज्योतिष
अंक और भविष्य
अंक शास्त्र २०१८
अंक और भ्किस्मत
अंकों का जगत
Be happy - be peaceful
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