速報APP / 健康塑身 / D1 Workouts

D1 Workouts



檔案大小:37.9 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


D1 Workouts(圖1)-速報App

Log your D1 Sports Training workouts from anywhere with the D1 Sports Training workout logging app! View your completed and upcoming scheduled workouts. Track your progress and get the most out of your D1 Sports Training workouts!

D1 Workouts(圖2)-速報App

Step into a D1 Sports Training facility and you’ll immediately recognize that we’re not your average big-box membership gym.

D1 Workouts(圖3)-速報App

Unlike those gyms, which charge small membership fees and provide little in the way of service or support, D1 assembles teams of highly qualified trainers, fitness experts and support personnel to provide our clients with a balance of cardio workout and strength training typically reserved for elite athletes at Division 1 schools.

D1 Workouts(圖4)-速報App

In fact, many of our staff and owners were elite athletes at D1 schools. After all, it takes the best to train the best — and that’s exactly what we’re doing at D1 Sports Training.

D1 Workouts(圖5)-速報App

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