




版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




B2B Communications are multi-dimensional and goal oriented. More often than not it involves multiple stake holders across value chain (where value chain may involve multiple organizations and hierarchy within an organization). Communication & sharing of information has become very simple & easy with advent of Social Media & Mobile based chat platforms but at the same time these platforms often ignore one of the most basic needs of all businesses: privacy & securing their trade secrets. When a Trading business will go to a manufacturing company, they will not like to reveal their End Customer to the manufacturer. Over the period of time every business & businessman develops its own relationship and process of doing business and they will not like to reveal that to other parties in the market. So, BizApp has been conceptualized in order to enable businesses or businessman to:

· Receive as well as send

· Consolidated and complete information

· to right set of individuals


· in quickest possible time

Following are the key or unique features of BizApp:

It’s a Business Communication Platform which will enable user to communicate across multiple channels/entities at a time, every time and in a manner that the channels/entities who receives the communication are not aware that sender has sent same communication to various other channels/entities at one go.


In usual B2B scenarios, when a Buyer or a Seller wants to buy or sell something they will engage or talk with multiple parties before taking final decision. But these parties are usually not aware of other parties with whom their Buyer or Seller is talking with. In a similar way this platform will allow sender to communicate or seek information from multiple entities (buyer, seller, prospects, customer etc.) at the same time without receiver knowing that same communication is sent or same information has been requested from other parties as well. So, today in order to get quote for a product which a customer wants to buy they will have to email/SMS/call all the vendors separately and seek their prices. But with BizApp same communication will be created once and then sent to multiple entities. Each entity will get the communication in personalized manner such that they will feel that it has been sent only to them.

For every particular communication sender will receive the response, from multiple channels/entities to which communication was sent earlier, in consolidated form for that particular communication.


In usual B2B scenarios, a Buyer or a Seller gets quote or bid from multiple entities in different format, different sources (phone, fax, email etc.) and at different point in time. So, either someone need to put all information from different sources in 1 report/spreadsheet for decision making purpose or one need to look at different response at different places and then take a decision. Instead BizApp will automatically consolidate all responses received on a particular communication/enquiry from different entities at different point of time at one single place so that decision making can be quick & in turn save time and reduce errors.

In B2B scenarios, value chain involves multiple stakeholders or organizations. So, when a stakeholder or a business receives an enquiry they fall back on their sources in order to get price/required information and pass it to original enquirer. Similarly in BizApp, business or businessman will have option to forward the received communication to multiple other entities. As mentioned in 1st point, entities to which communication is forwarded will not get to understand other entities to which same communication has been forwarded.
