速報APP / 活動 / ISBACON2019





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The past decades have clearly demonstrated the role played by Start-ups and Incubators in spawning entrepreneurial cultures, establishment of large number of technology-based ventures, creation of high-quality jobs and subsequent indirect employment, new capital formations and handsome tax returns to Governments. Technology Business Incubation in India, beginning in the later part of the 20th century in the closed economy era is now gradually maturing under the positive economic conditions. Different models and practices of Incubation have emerged in the recent years in tune with the aspirations, requirements and optimism of technology entrepreneurs.

India with its several advantages also faces challenges that need to be surmounted in shortened time frames. There is an enormous task of eradicating poverty / hunger, empowerment through mass education, affordable healthcare for all and more importantly the world’s largest youth population needs to be provided with opportunities for them to realize their ambitions and make meaningful contributions. A lot these could be achieved through “timely”, “appropriate” and “affordable” technology-based innovations that emerge out from the stables of hi-technology ventures that are started by passionate mission driven entrepreneurs. The scale of such effort requires efficient and effective Incubators as the nurturing mechanisms for start-ups backed up by strong support from government policy and frameworks and active participation from the stake holders of the entrepreneurial eco-system.

The ISBA Conference intends to bring together the various players of this eco-system like all INCUBATORS, ACCELERETORS, CO-WORKING SPACES & OTHER ECO-SYSTEM STAKEHOLDERS on one platform to disseminate, discuss and share ideas, best practices and experiences to make India a truly noteworthy Product Start-up Nation. Deliberations are also held as to the general way forward and new initiatives that can be undertaken. The event also ensures a closer interaction with the Ministry of Science & Technology and other Government departments.

The ISBA Conference entices the Incubation Managers, Government Officials, Start-ups, Domain Experts and other Ecosystem Stakeholders such as Investors, Venture Capitals, Corporates, etc.

The purposes of the conference are manifold as enumerated below:


• To serve as a networking platform for Incubator Managers, Start-ups, Investors, Experts and other stake holders of the entrepreneurial eco-system

• To bring together experts from the National and International foray, Governments and Corporate sector to share experiences and best practices on Incubation and start-up management

• To build capacity, skills and knowledge in the newer Incubators, Managers and potential Incubator organisations

• To collect and organise information on emerging challenges, directions and growth of Incubation to facilitate the creation of white papers and other documentation for inputs to government policy and frameworks and furthering the knowledgebase of Incubation

• To showcase the technologies developed by start-ups in Incubators through an exhibition


• To conduct the ISBA awards ceremony for Start-ups
