速報APP / 通訊 / TymOnline - Together Your Members

TymOnline - Together Your Members





版本需求:Android 5.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:City Center, Haldia, India

TymOnline - Together Your Members(圖1)-速報App


official app of tymonline.in

T.... Together

Y.... Your

M... Members

Online .... by online search

This app will help you to explore your free time to the people who joined here

And this app will help you to analyse yourself by what time you will be available , and definitely leads rethink to about your productivity of work, how much time you are wasting

You can also find your people based on pin code

When enter in to the app you need to update your skill , if you want to find your work or help others or otherwise join to the teams ( Like games and social movements)

If a teacher update his free time that will help to a student

TymOnline - Together Your Members(圖2)-速報App

If a doctor / Lawer update his free time that will help to their clients

If a Barbar/ Saloon update his free time that will help to their customers

If a Welder/ Electician/ Plumber / update his free time they will be called for service

If players update their free time that will help to get co players

And during thinking about this app development, some friends or officer or technician available in some time freely some times to much busy

Too much busy = work by us + work need done by others

If you update your free time or if you find the free time of others in this app

During your free time you will help other

With others free time your work will done

When you want to find others free time other channels like phone call to friends , what's up to friends, messages , you will get stress and strain because, when ever you call them they may busy with other important work , signal problems , too many times calling them ... Leads to disturbing them and and time will consume ....

Thank you friend ,

TymOnline - Together Your Members(圖3)-速報App

I want see you in the app " Tymonline "

Development By – Atlantis technologies