速報APP / 家庭 / World Folk Tales

World Folk Tales





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:89, Devaraj Nagar Main Road, Saligramam, Chennai - 600093

World Folk Tales(圖1)-速報App

Each and every land on the globe has a past of its own and shares a separate set of folk and mythical tales of its own. MagicBox Animation brings you for the first time a collection of folktales from world over, sharing stories from every race, sharing thoughts and energies experienced by all and give kids a chance to learn from each set of tales. So stay tuned to our channel and settle down to blow your minds away.

World Folk Tales(圖2)-速報App

World Folk Tales(圖3)-速報App

World Folk Tales(圖4)-速報App

World Folk Tales(圖5)-速報App

World Folk Tales(圖6)-速報App