速報APP / 購物 / Ecommerce UI Kit

Ecommerce UI Kit





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Ecommerce UI Kit(圖1)-速報App

What is this?

E-commerce mobile applications are hard to set up and often it is a long tiresome process. This E-commerce starter kit will get you quickly started on your next store applications for iOS and Android eliminating the most common issues. The template comes with a modern store design built with React Native using javascript and is ready to drop in, reskin and launch your Next Mobile Store.

The template includes support for Redux and the powerful Wix native navigation making it high on performance. Template was built with 100+ hours of coding and written in super clean code.

Ecommerce UI Kit(圖2)-速報App

The template supports Stripe SDK and Apple Pay for accepting payments on iOS devices. You can also accept Major International Credit and Debit cards to charge customers.

The template allows Quick login / sign-up using the Facebook SDK. Flexible code allows you to integrate your products and get started with iOS and Android mobile applications saving hours of coding work. The application page designs and branding are highly customisable and you can reskin this template yourself using the main theme file.

Ecommerce UI Kit(圖3)-速報App

Why EcomStore?

Quick Setup E-commerce Store

Modern UI design

Product Showcase Sliders

Ecommerce UI Kit(圖4)-速報App

Product Variant Support in-built

Stripe Payments

Apple Pay

Accept CC / DC

Ecommerce UI Kit(圖5)-速報App

Link to Social Media Pages

Store Wide Product Search

Social Login with Facebook

High Performance with Native Support

Ecommerce UI Kit(圖6)-速報App

Save Customer Address

Quick Checkout

Supports iOS

Supports Android

Ecommerce UI Kit(圖7)-速報App

Simple Reskin Configuration

How much does it cost?

Regular License: $49

Extended License: $99

Ecommerce UI Kit(圖8)-速報App

For more information, reach to us at elixarstudio@gmail.com.