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COMLEX-USA (Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States) is a three-level, national standardized licensure examination designed for licensure for the practice of osteopathic medicine. COMLEX-USA is designed to assess osteopathic medical knowledge, knowledge fluency, clinical skills, and other competencies essential for practice as an osteopathic generalist physician. It is also a graduation requirement for attaining a DO (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) degree from colleges of osteopathic medicine in the United States, and for entry into and promotion within graduate medical education (residency) training programs.
Examination Series Sequence
The COMLEX-USA examination series follows a progressive sequence broken into three levels described below. Osteopathic medical students and residents are deemed licensure exam “candidates” as referred to throughout this site and must be verified eligible to take each level of COMLEX-USA by their college of osteopathic medicine dean or residency program director, meet the requirements and take the exams in sequence, passing each level before advancing to the next. Level 2-CE and Level 2-PE can be taken in either order.
All candidates must read NBOME’s COMLEX-USA Bulletin of Information (BOI) and agree to the Terms and Conditions before scheduling any COMLEX-USA examination. The BOI is a comprehensive guide to COMLEX-USA examinations, including but not limited to the Terms and Conditions, examination descriptions, eligibility requirements, scheduling, administration, security, scoring and transcripts.
Wisdom Prep App Features:
- No Internet Required
- No In-App-Purchase or Subscriptions
- Latest Update 2018
- Based on Latest Official Curriculum 2018
- Detailed Answers and Explanations
- Study Mode Option
- App Can Be Used for Training & Certification
- Virtual Exam Mode
- Test Taking Strategy
- Tracking and Progress Report.
Wisdom Prep & Vision Architecture is not affiliated with or endorsed by any respected testing organization, certificate, test name or any trademark.
支援平台:iPhone, iPad