版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
Smashbomb is the social network for reviews.
Research and discover things based on recommendations from people you know/respect/trust rather than seeing reviews from anonymous people with vested interests or who may or may not be trustworthy.
Rate anything (products, services, movies, games, books, places, events, mobile apps, podcasts, tech, websites, etc) - and your activity stream consists purely of recommendations/ratings from people you follow (friends, celebs, industry people, experts, etc).
When a user adds a review, they select a rating out of 10 – if they rate at 7 or over, it’s a ‘Smash’ and if they rate something at under 7, its a ‘Bomb’ (to be avoided!).
Also, enter Giveaways to receive free items from brands and creators in return for honest reviews.
Being an active 'Smashbomber' will enable the community to show their appreciation for your awesomeness through the awarding of Kudos Points (KP). You will earn KP for reviews, sharing lists, adding new items, and any other contribution to Smashbomb.
Increasing your KP will earn you new badges and eventually claim your rightful place on the Leaderboards, leading to fame and notoriety!