速報APP / 商業 / 5s Audit app on cloud

5s Audit app on cloud





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:A 206, Shapath hexa, Opp. Sola High court, S G Road, Ahmedabad

5s Audit app on cloud(圖1)-速報App

5s Audit is one of the tool from lean methodology. Primary purpose of lean is to improve the productivity in any industry. There are 5 primary phases of 5S: Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain.

5s Audit app on cloud(圖2)-速報App

5s Audit app let’s you do the audit of any department in any industry. We have implemented set of audit question which can be put in practice in any organization.

5s Audit app on cloud(圖3)-速報App

Audit features:

5s Audit app on cloud(圖4)-速報App

-Create template that you can reuse

5s Audit app on cloud(圖5)-速報App

-Create audit based on template

5s Audit app on cloud(圖6)-速報App

-5s Form which offers easy interface

5s Audit app on cloud(圖7)-速報App

-Manage Audit

-Generate report in PDF and Email features.

-Generate performance reports in the form of bar chart which helps you to compare performance of particular department over specific time period.