速報APP / 遊戲 / Ghost hunter land

Ghost hunter land



檔案大小:11.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Ghost hunter land(圖1)-速報App

"Ghost hunter land" is a new type of Chinese ancient ink-style click on the game.

Ghost hunter land(圖2)-速報App

In the chi dense place, there are always some monsters want to harm gathered there.

Ghost hunter land(圖3)-速報App

Whether swordsmen, fairies, or priests, their mission is to pick up the hands of weapons to go to these places to eliminate the monster to purify our world.

Ghost hunter land(圖4)-速報App

Once the fighting will not stop down.

Ghost hunter land(圖5)-速報App

The game can choose different roles, and in the game to get a variety of fairy treasure to help you demon oh.
