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Share it, sell it & Get paid.


Oriscene believes that when you share a picture, a video or any other unique content that creates VALUE for someone else, then YOU should be getting a piece of the pie! With your help Oriscene wants to take the idea of a user compensated social platform and make it a reality!
With the Exchange you still share your content like you already do anywhere else, but you can rest assured that as the post takes off and the hits counter keeps climbing, YOU will be the one see that popularity turn into real Reward …. and guess who gets to line their pockets with all of that? YOU OF COURSE! Just like it should be. Maintain complete control of your content property by labeling up to half of your original materials as PRIME content. That’s right! Take your best pictures, videos, stories or whatever and mark them as PRIME and you will rewarded EVERYTIME you get a user review. More traffic equals OrCoins in your account. Simple as that.
No catch. No tricks. No minimum amount of views before you can start adding up the moola.


We Are the Next Level of Social Media

Sharing information with friends, family and the world has become cornerstone of social network success these days. We have learned to “snap & share” hundreds of times a day on instinct. Even if the information we post is critical, current, or incredibly valuable breaking news, we keep giving it

away for nothing! That is a system that has NEVER shown value to you, the dedicated user. That doesn’t have to ever happen again.
Oriscene puts you in control of your intellectual property. If ANYONE is going to make $$$ from your media, it should be you that is in control. It should be you set to benefit first and foremost. Did you snap an awesome sunset, a celebrity spotting, or developing news video? Well, guess what? Someone out there wants it! Think you are the only one that melts at your pet’s goofy behavior? I willing to bet there is a small army of viewers just waiting for you to share so that they can watch it over and over again. Cha-Ching! Money in tha bank ya’ll! 


Oriscene Plays Match Maker

Even professional paparazzi can have trouble finding the right buyer. For someone like you and me, being in the right-place at the-right-time, isn’t always enough! Where would you even start look for a buyer? How much do you charge? How do you know if you are getting ripped off?
Well with Oriscene of course!
Oriscene is THE groundbreaking innovative platform that serves both individuals and media channels. As we get ready to go “Full Disruption Mode” on this industry, The Exchange ensures you now have safe, user friendly platform to showcase and sell your collections. Even better is that now the Media Outlets know where to find you

Buy and Sell like a BOSS!


Be a PRO right out the gate! You won’t get low-balled, or stiff-armed here. The are NO sketchy back room deals where the OTHER GUY is the only one that knows what your pic, video, or dirty little secret is worth. You have two ways of selling your content on Oriscene that makes sure you get the most value possible out of every deal struck in The Exchange.
BUY and SELL on Oriscene where you can choose to set the price or let interested parties set the value for you as they bid auctioning your content. (You can even decide to keep it and watch ‘em wish they had what you won’t let go of.) We make it safe, secure, and keep you in control so that you really get what your material is worth.

