速報APP / 攝影 / Vidacle




檔案大小:36.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Look, the moments you experience may just be awesome. Watching your kids grow up, traveling around the world with your lover or going to festivals with friends. Life is great and the best moments are the moments we experience with each other. Why not record all these moments together, and create stories in a completely new way? Still, this video recording lifestyle hasn’t yet been fully integrated in our society. Online video is still relatively new and should be captured and shared in just the right way. Most apps will only let you record and share brief moments but Vidacle will let you create complete stories.


But what’s so special about these stories? Well, they end when you want them to end. Maybe after just a day, or will you continue to add moments for a whole year? You decide how long these stories will be and who will be a part of them. Did you all bring your iPhone to a snowboard trip? No problem. Vidacle let’s you create one story, in which everyone can upload their best moments. Editing isn’t really necessary, and you can always delete or add moments afterwards. You don’t need to save anything by the way, because Vidacle already did that for you. It’s almost like you’re broadcasting live from your iPhone.


But how about editing after you already exported the video? No need to export anything, because our player shows you all the separate moments as one smooth story. Great, isn’t it? You should really try the edit option; it’s so minimalistic and easy to use.


Upload your moments, create different stories and share them with friends, family or the world. This is just our first version, but we’re already working on some greater features.


See you (and your stories) on Vidacle?
