速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Audubon Artworks Stickers

Audubon Artworks Stickers



檔案大小:5.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 12.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Audubon Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 183 stickers of Audubon Artworks for iMessage Add them to your iMessage and use this masterspieces to customize your message. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Townsend's Rocky Mountain Hare

- American Beaver

- American Elk

- Rocky Mountain Sheep

- California Hare

- Long-Tailed Deer

- American Flamingo

- Plate 1. Wild Turkey

- Plate 2. Yellow-billed Cuckoo

- Plate 3. Prothonotary Warbler

- Plate 4. Purple Finch

- Plate 5. Bonaparte's Flycatcher

- Plate 6. Wild Turkey

- Plate 7. Purple Grakle or Common Crow Blackbird

- Plate 8 White throated Sparrow

- Plate 9 Selby's Flycatcher

- Plate 10. Brown Titlark

- Plate 11. Bird of Washington

- Plate 12. Baltimore Oriole

- Plate 13. Snow Bird

- Plate 14. Prairie Warbler

- Plate 15. Blue Yellow-backed Warbler

- Plate 16. Great-footed Hawk

- Plate 17. Carolina Turtle Dove

- Plate 18. Bewick's Wren

- Plate 19. Louisiana Water Thrush

- Plate 20. Blue-winged Yellow Warbler

- Plate 21. Mocking Bird

- Plate 22. Purple Martin

- Plate 23. Yellow-breasted Warbler

- Plate 24. Roscoe's Yellow-throat

- Plate 25. Song Sparrow

- Plate 26. Carolina Parrot

- Plate 27. Red headed Woodpecker

- Plate 28. Solitary Flycatcher or Vireo

- Plate 29. Towhe Bunting

- Plate 30. Vigor's Warbler

- Plate 31. White-headed Eagle

- Plate 32. Black-billed Cuckoo

- Plate 33. American Goldfinch

- Plate 34. Worm eating Warbler

- Plate 35. Children's Warbler

- Plate 36. Stanley Hawk

- Plate 37. Golden-winged Woodpecker

- Plate 38. Kentucky Warbler

- Plate 39. Crested Titmouse

- Plate 40. American Redstart

- Plate 41. Ruffed Grouse

- Plate 42. Orchard Oriole

- Plate 43. Cedar Bird

- Plate 44. Summer Red Bird

- Plate 45. Traill's Flycatcher

- Plate 46. Barred Owl

- Plate 47. Ruby-throated Humming Bird

- Plate 48. Azure Warbler

- Plate 49. Blue-green Warbler

- Plate 50. Black & Yellow Warbler

- Plate 51. Red-tailed Hawk

- Plate 52. Chuck-will's Widow

- Plate 53. Painted Finch

- Plate 54. Rice Bird

- Plate 55. Cuvier's Regulus

Audubon Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Plate 56. Red-shouldered Hawk

- Plate 57. Loggerhead Shrike

- Plate 58.Hermit Thrush

- Plate 59. Chestnut-sided Warbler

- Plate 60. Carbonated Warbler

- Plate 61. Great Horned Owl

- Plate 62. Passenger Pigeon

- Plate 63 White-eyed Flycatcher or Vireo

- Plate 64 Swamp Sparrow

- Plate 65 Rathbone Warbler

- Plate 66 Ivory-billed Woodpecker

- Plate 67 Red-winged Starling or Marsh Blackbird

- Plate 68 Republican or Cliff Swallow

- Plate 69 Bay-breasted Warbler

- Plate 70 Henslow's Bunting

- Plate 71 Winter Hawk

- Plate 72 Swallow-tailed Hawk

- Plate 73 Wood Thrush

- Plate 74 Indigo Bird

- Plate 75 Le Petit Caporal

- Plate 76 Virginian Partridge

- Plate 77 Belted Kingfisher

- Plate 78 Great Carolina Wren

- Plate 79 Tyrant Fly-catcher

- Plate 80 Prairie Titlark

- Plate 81 Fish Hawk or Osprey

- Plate 82 Whip-poor-will

- Plate 83 House Wren

- Plate 84 Blue-Grey Fly-catcher

- Plate 85 Yellow Throated Warbler

- Plate 86 Black Warrior

- Plate 87 Florida Jay

- Plate 88 Autumnal Warbler

- Plate 89 Nashville Warbler

- Plate 90 Black & White Creeper

- Plate 91 Broad-winged Hawk

- Plate 92 Pigeon Hawk

- Plate 93 Sea-side Finch

- Plate 94 Grass Finch or Bay-winged Bunting

- Plate 95 Yellow-poll Warbler

- Plate 96 Columbia Jay

- Plate 97 Little Screech Owl

- Plate 98 White-bellied Swallow

- Plate 99 Cow-pen Bird

- Plate 100 Marsh Wren

- Plate 101 Raven

- Plate 102 Blue Jay

- Plate 103 Canada Warbler

- Plate 104 Chipping Sparrow

- Plate 105 Red-breasted Nuthatch

- Plate 106 Black Vulture or Carrion Crow

- Plate 107 Canada Jay

- Plate 108 Fox-coloured Sparrow

- Plate 109 Savannah Finch

- Plate 110 Hooded Warbler

- Plate 111 Pileated Woodpecker

- Plate 112 Downy Woodpecker

- Plate 113 Blue-bird

- Plate 114 White-crowned Sparrow

- Plate 115 Wood Pewee

- Plate 116 Ferruginous Thrush

- Plate 117 Mississippi Kite

- Plate 118 Warbling Flycatcher

Audubon Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Plate 119 Yellow-throated Vireo

- ...

Audubon Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad