速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Hansel and Gretel StoryChimes (FREE)

Hansel and Gretel StoryChimes (FREE)



檔案大小:100.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 4.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Hansel and Gretel StoryChimes (FREE)(圖1)-速報App


This is the full version of the App!

Please NOTE: It is ad supported, and a paid version without ads is available in the App Store.


Poor Hansel, Gretel and their family have nothing to eat. What will they do? Turns out their evil stepmother has an idea. She’ll take the children deep into the forest, hoping they get lost forever. Thereby, leaving enough to eat for her and their father.

Unfortunately for her, Hansel and Gretel are smart enough to realize what’s happening. While determined to find their way back home, they get lost and stumble upon a house made of gingerbread!

In this darker fairytale, the two siblings get tricked by a wicked witch and have to find their way out of the gravest of trouble. Will they?

StoryChimes Application Description

StoryChimes are an affordable diverse collection of children’s stories designed to immerse your child in the sights and sounds of interactive tales while keeping the “feel” of turning the pages of a real book. As we like to say, “When you hear the chime, turn the page!”

StoryChimes’ stream of new titles will keep you coming back for more fun, adventure and education again and again. The ease-of-use makes it a snap for even the youngest kids to enjoy a StoryChime today.

Hansel and Gretel StoryChimes (FREE)(圖2)-速報App

Mom or Dad need a good distraction? No matter how you travel or where you are, StoryChimes are never more than a touch away. An entire collection of books in the palm of your hand, providing a great assortment of entertainment.

StoryChimes are the perfect alternative to movies, tv shows and video games. With StoryChimes you can entertain and educate at the same time. Grab one today!


- Karaoke like text scroll (highlights red as you read)

- Page indexing to access your favorite parts

- Bookmarking to pick up where you left off

- Read at your own pace without audio and scroll text

- Facebook integration

- E-mail a friend about the App

- Help menu

Hansel and Gretel StoryChimes (FREE)(圖3)-速報App

Large page turn area

Story Quiz at the end

- 3D page turn provides a tactile “feel”

- Beautiful illustrations

- Great music accompanies each story

- Enhanced with sound FX

Please visit us on the web at www.storychimes.com for more great stories! Have a story suggestion or comment? We’d love to hear it. Drop us a line at info@storychimes.com.




Hansel and Gretel StoryChimes (FREE)(圖4)-速報App

iPhone OS 3.1 or Later

Hansel and Gretel StoryChimes (FREE)(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad