版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
聯絡地址:29 Wardell Drive , Barden Ridge SYDNEY , NSW AUSTRALIA, 2234
This Mobile Invoice application allows you to:
Create invoice while on the road
Sync to your linked Reckon Accounts Hosted Accounting software.
Instantly gets attached to email and send to your customers
All invoices have modern look with choice to choose color for invoice template
Take photos of your job sites to be fixed
Create Job Number and Job description of job site
Instantly gets attached to email and send to your customers
Also attach job image with invoice to send
Call out Description box , explaining what works to be done
Manage 5000 plus stock items on mobile device
Manage 1000 plus Customers on the mobile
Instantly create new customers on mobile while on the road
Offline invoicing where there is no internet available