速報APP / 教育 / Common Birds Songs

Common Birds Songs



檔案大小:8.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Common Birds Songs(圖1)-速報App

Check List of the Birds of France, Germany, Belgium and Holland.

Check List of the Birds of Colorado.

Soundtrack for 50 Common Birds Songs:

American Crow

American Goldfinch

American Kestrel

American Robin,

Baltimore Oriole,

Barn Swallow,

Barrel Owl,

Common Birds Songs(圖2)-速報App

Belted Kingfisher,

Black-Capped Chicadee,

Blue Jay,

Brown-Headed Cowbird,

Canada Goose,

Cedar Waxwing ,

Chipping Sparrow ,

Common Yellowthroat,

Dark-eyed Junko,

Downy Woodpecker,

Common Birds Songs(圖3)-速報App

Eastern Meadowlark,

Eastern Bluebird,

Eastern Songbird,

Eastern Towhee,

Evening Grosbeak,

Great Blue Heron,

Great Horned Owl,

House Finch,

House Wren,

Indigo Bunting,

Common Birds Songs(圖4)-速報App



Marsh Wren,

Mourning Dove,

Northern Cardinal,

Northern Flicker,

Northern Mockingbird,

Pileated Woodpecker,

Red-Eyed Vireo,

Red-Tailed Hawk,

Common Birds Songs(圖5)-速報App

Red-Winged Blackbird,

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak,

Ruby-Troated Humminbird,

Ruffed Goose,

Scarlet Tanager,

Song Sparrow,

Tree Swallow,

White-Breasted Nuthatch,

Wild Turkey,

Wood Duck,Wood Thrush,

Common Birds Songs(圖6)-速報App

Yellow-rumped Warbler,

Yellow Warbler

Common Birds Songs(圖7)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad