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Machu Picchu Conde Travel





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聯絡地址:Calle Bosc 29

Machu Picchu Conde Travel(圖1)-速報App

CONDE TRAVEL: The Best Tour Operator in Cusco – Peru

Conde Travel S.A.C. is a Peruvian company based in Cusco and Lima, that has been operating on the market since 2002. We are a 100% local Peru travel tour operator, specialized in adventure sports such as trekking, biking, rafting and zip line, which we organize both in the Cusco region as well as in other regions of Peru. In our offer you will find, among others, such well-known tours like Salkantay trek, Inca Jungle, Inca Trail, Ausangate trek and many other tours such as mountain biking and quad tours which take place in the beautiful and scenic areas of our country.

We are focusing on providing travelers the best service, tours and equipment. We care that our clients spend unforgettable, wonderful moments in Peru and that they will obtain the best experience possible.

Machu Picchu Conde Travel(圖2)-速報App

We can proudly say that every year our business is growing more and more, among others, thanks to recommendations of our clients who appreciate the quality of our services, our friendly, qualified staff and the reasonable prices. In the best interests of our clients, all the time we are improving our equipment and we are looking for the best coworkers to enhance our team. We are also looking for the best, alternative routes which we can recommend, as the most interesting, and offer to our clients.

We provide our clients with high quality and professional equipment, for example: vehicles, quads, mountain bikes (all mountain enduro) and camping equipment. Our friendly and qualified staff, including office staff and tour guides, always remain at your disposal and will be happy to help you in any situation, including choosing the best tours which suit to your personality and interests. During the expeditions organized by us, our well trained team, including official licensed tour guides, are always trying to do everything possible, to make you feel safe and comfortable.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide our clients with exceptional, unique and safe tours. With our professional equipment, full of energy, enthusiasm and passionate crew, we will make your visit in Peru the best, unforgettable and unexceptional experience. We understand that you entrust us your time, you want to spend it in a unique way. That is why we always focus on the individual approach to our clients and we always do our best to make them happy.