速報APP / 生產應用 / Store Finder Android Full Application

Store Finder Android Full Application





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Store Finder Android Full Application(圖1)-速報App

Store Finder is Full Android Application to search Store near by you. You can search anything from pin to machinery and if you are a store owner you can also add your store using these app.

pplication Features

Supports Both Android Studio & Eclipse

Near By Results By Default

Map Automatically zoom in or out to Display all pin

From Map you can go to Store Detail

List your own store using application

Store Image Gallery

Diffrent categories of store

Total Reviews for store

Average Ratings for store

Store Detail Including Phone number

Social Sharing of Application

Social Sharing of Store

User Rating Integration

User Review Integration

Add to Favorite

Search via Store Name,Store Categories,Zip Code

Custom Pins

User Profile


Cool Mobile UI Interaction

Store Finder Android Full Application(圖2)-速報App

Share to Facebook

Share to Twitter

Call Integration

Email Integration

SMS Integration

User can add Favorites

Map Directions.

About Us Panel Added

Terms & Conditions Panel Added

Login Via Facebook

Login Via Google+

Register User with Profile Picture

User can edit Profile

Supports All Android Phone Device


News Crash solve

Add Store Image uploading issue solve

Add Store : User can edit own store

Approve or Reject store

Forgot password for Store owner

Admin can Approve or Reject Store

Admin can disable spam store

Store Finder Android Full Application(圖3)-速報App

Show Store approval status to user.

Support for API 23

Change design of Add Store Page

Solve Upload image Bug


1.Search with words, add search icon in keyboard

2.About us and terms & condition retrieves from backend

3.Compatible with Marshmallow

4.Remove support for Eclipse

PHP Admin Panel Features (Backend):

Add,Delete and Edit Store Easily

Create Multiple Store Categories.

Delete users (if User is spam)

Add Latest news about stores & discount

Delete user comments (if spam)

Admin panel with 2 extra themes.

Change Language (Use admin panel in your native language)

Latest Informative Dashboard with

Show Number of Stores

Show Number of Users of Application

Show Notifications

Show Number of feedback given by Users

Store Finder Android Full Application(圖4)-速報App

Active and Disable User Comments

Separated Tab to upload Store Photos

Store Finder Android Full Application(圖5)-速報App