速報APP / 教育 / Animal-ABC




檔案大小:320.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Animal Alphabet Book has been specifically designed to help children learn the alphabet. Learning the alphabet is not difficult for most children as long as it is fun.


The book aims to make it fun and educational. It is important to learn the name, shape, and sound of each letter. Once this is mastered, your child will be on the road to become a reader.


The book displays each letter of the alphabet and associate that letter with an animal. There will be animation to making learning fun and entertaining. In addition to the alphabet, there will be a sentence made using the letter to describe what the animation is about. To make the book even more interesting, there will be fun facts on more animals beginning with the letter selected with audio included.


Parents can read to their child or when the child is starting to read, he/she can then learn to read these sentences himself/herself with the aid of the audio provided.


There are also three buttons at the top of the screen. When the first button is pressed, you will be taken to another screen which will display more animals beginning with the letter. When you touch the photo, the fun fact(s) will be read out. When the second button is pressed, you will hear the letter, phonic and the word. When the third button is pressed, you will hear the sentence being read.


Two additional functions have been added to show how the characters are written. The first function will show the strokes to write the letter and the second function will show how to do cursive writing. Parents can help their child with the writing.


A colouring option is included to make learning even more interesting. You child can colour in an animal or learn to write the letters of the alphabet.



支援平台:iPhone, iPad