速報APP / 音樂與音效 / TM Player - Free music player and audio

TM Player - Free music player and audio





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



TM Player - Free music player and audio player(圖1)-速報App

TM Player - Free music player is the best mp3 player app to play offline music. Music player 2017 is designed with material design music player app, it's the best application for song player.

TM Player - Free music player and audio player(圖2)-速報App

Play mp3 music with multi format:

    ☞ With TM Player, you can easily to play offline music by albums, artists, genres, songs, playlists, folders, and album artists.

    TM Player - Free music player and audio player(圖3)-速報App

    ☞ Supports playback of various sound formats such as MP3, WMA, AAC, FLAC.

    TM Player - Free music player and audio player(圖4)-速報App

    ☞ Provides a clean and intuitive user interface.

    TM Player - Free music player and audio player(圖5)-速報App

    TM Player - Free music player and audio player(圖6)-速報App

    ☞ Lyric support. Automatic scanning all the lyric files , and matching the most appropriate lyrics file for your songs.

    TM Player - Free music player and audio player(圖7)-速報App

    ☞ Notification STATUS support: display album artwork, title and artist, play/pause, skip forward and stop CONTROLS in notification status.

    TM Player - Free music player and audio player(圖8)-速報App

    TM Player - Free music player and audio player(圖9)-速報App

    ☞ Notification STATUS support: display album artwork, title and artist, play/pause, skip forward and stop CONTROLS in notification status.

Mange Playlist
    ☞ Create and manage playlist easily

    ☞ Unlimited to add song into playlist

    ☞ Sort and play play by shuffle mode, repeat mode and so on

Transfer music via LAN network
    Next version, we will allow users to copy and share music via LAN Network
      Equalizer control
        Next version, we will allow users to edit music sound