速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Story Book of Life Bedtime

Story Book of Life Bedtime





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Story Book of Life Bedtime(圖1)-速報App

The stories range from re telling s of fairy tales like Snow, White to classic stories like Peter, Rabbit and even completely original works. Everything is G rated and safe for all ages. The perfect kids story book of life podcast for imaginative families. Whether you’re driving with your children or just want to limit your kids’ screen time, Stories Podcast delivers entertainment that kids and parents alike will love. This app is simple, subtle, and clever. Just tap and Play for using this story book of life app.

Please share your experience through your social media like facebook, path even instagram. Feedback are welcomed, thanks.

Story Book of Life Bedtime(圖2)-速報App

Story Book of Life Bedtime(圖3)-速報App

Story Book of Life Bedtime(圖4)-速報App