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Popular Ramadan Songs





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Popular Ramadan Songs(圖1)-速報App

Ramadan (rama ː da ˤ n), also romanized like Ramadan, Ramadan or Ramathan) is a nine month Islamic calendar, and is celebrated by Muslims around the world quickly (Lent) and commemorates the first revelation that reached the Prophet Muhammad, according to the Belief of the Ummah Islam. This annual celebration is regarded as one of the Pillars of Islam. Ramadan will last for 29-30 days based on observations of the new moon, according to the rules contained in the Hadith

Ramadan is a month full of blessings and forgiveness, and of course this blessed month is always awaited by Muslims around the world. In this blessed month, of course, everyone wants to get many awards for the Hereafter, because in Ramadan the reward will multiply many times. For that all Muslims around the world do not want to waste the month of Ramadan is very valuable to be excavated reward. Many ways that can be done to dig the reward, in addition to compulsory practices such as prayer, fasting and alms, of course there are many other practices that can be done. For example, such as sermons, lectures in the mosque Kultum as prayer prayers sholat prayer shubuh.

Ramadan has arrived. No one feels Ramadan exists before us. It is time to cleanse us of all our sins and strengthen mentally and discipline yourself to be a good Muslim. In addition to long lasting thirst and hunger, restrain our lust and anger, our ears and eyes are as good as fast. To fix our ears and eyes in the worship of the month of Ramadan, it would be nice if we choose a more religious song containing the heart, soul, faith and peace in our lives.

Fasting is a voluntary action by abstaining from food, drink, or both, bad deeds and from everything that breaks the fast for a certain period of time. Absolute fasting is usually defined as abstinence from all food and fluids for a certain period, usually for a day (24 hours), or several days. Other fasts may only limit some, restrict certain foods or substances. Practice of fasting may hinder sexual and other activities and food. Fasting, often done in order to perform the worship, is also done beyond the obligation of worship to improve the quality of spiritual life of someone who does it. This kind of thing is often found in the ascetic or monk. The essence of the intent and purpose of fasting is the restraint of a desire to achieve a goal. Therefore, fasting can be defined as an attempt at self-restraint from a desire that is forbidden to achieve a goal

Popular Ramadan Songs(圖2)-速報App

This popular Ramadan song app is very good for you who are doing the fast, in addition to keeping the heart of this popular Ramadan song can be soothing and this summer. In addition to this popular Ramadan song it also cools your heart that is in a panic or you are currently experiencing severe problems.

Ramadhan Popular is perfect for those of you who are fasting. During your free time you can listen to Songs Ramadan Popular mp3 application. Let's plug and listen to the songs of faith that is in the air of this app. God bless

Happy Fasting

Happy Idul Fitri 2017

Popular Ramadan Songs(圖3)-速報App

1438 Hijri

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