速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / English - Turkish & Türkçe - English Dic

English - Turkish & Türkçe - English Dic



檔案大小:13.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


English - Turkish & Türkçe - English Dictionary(圖1)-速報App

English to Turkish and Türkçe to English Dictionary

English - Turkish & Türkçe - English Dictionary(圖2)-速報App

English to Turkish and Turkish to English dictionary allows the Turkish speaking users to find meaning of English words in the dictionary app. The app comes with the largest database that allows the users to search for word meanings in their respective language. Therefore, whether you are an English speaker or a Turkish speaker you can always find the meaning of English as well as Turkish words in this dictionary. The two main benefits that the dictionary app offers to the users are as follows:

English - Turkish & Türkçe - English Dictionary(圖3)-速報App

▩ English to Turkish - Those who are looking for Turkish translation of English words can now find the meanings of the respective words in this app. The app allows you to search English words from the database and find their Turkish meanings.

English - Turkish & Türkçe - English Dictionary(圖4)-速報App

▩ Turkish to English - Those who want English translation of Turkish words and phrases can now find meaning of the difficult words in the app. You can search from the huge Turkish language database and using Turkish keyboard find the English meanings of the Turkish words.

English - Turkish & Türkçe - English Dictionary(圖5)-速報App

Download the English to Turkish and Turkish to English dictionary app now and find meanings of words.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad