速報APP / 醫療 / Easy Rx Driver

Easy Rx Driver



檔案大小:25 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 13.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Easy Rx Driver(圖1)-速報App

EasyRx For Driver connects Pharmacies with local drivers who can deliver time sensitive & urgent medications to patients in need. As a driver you can open the app, see which pharmacies have medications to be delivered, and pick up the most convenient deliveries. You can choose as little as one delivery route, or an entire days worth. Our technology maps the delivery route for you with instructions of how to properly deliver the medications. You can deliver in the morning, afternoon, evening, or weekends. You can do it part time or full time, or when you have free time. It's as easy as open the app and see what work is available in your area. Get paid for your work weekly, and know how much you will get paid before you pick up!

Drivers must have a valid drivers licence, car, and insurance. Your car must display our logo (which we provide), and you must be wearing one of our branded t-shirts which delivering. Drivers are expected to be professional at all times, and deliver in the expected manner as administered by the Pharmacy.

Easy Rx Driver(圖2)-速報App

Easy Rx Driver(圖3)-速報App

Easy Rx Driver(圖4)-速報App

Easy Rx Driver(圖5)-速報App

Easy Rx Driver(圖6)-速報App

Easy Rx Driver(圖7)-速報App

Easy Rx Driver(圖8)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad