速報APP / 工具 / Mini IV Calculator

Mini IV Calculator





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Mini IV Calculator(圖1)-速報App

Hold on! I'm working on the new appraisal system.

An IV calculator for Pokemon GO that does not do anything else. There are no graphics, ads or other unnecessary data. This is not an overlay app so you won't be in danger of any current or future ban operations because of it. I do not collect any data or otherwise invade your right to privacy in any way. As a result you get a fast and responsive app that doesn't use megabytes of RAM or storage space.

Enter pokemon's name, CP and HP and the app lists all matching IV combinations. Fill in other details to narrow down the results. No results mean no matching pokemon. Either you filled bad data or there is a bug in the code (send e-mail and I'll fix it).

The app contains Pokemon up to generation 4 with Alolan forms and Mega evolutions but obviously the unreleased forms don't have correct stats.

Mini IV Calculator(圖2)-速報App

I do this for fun because none of the other IV calculators worked properly. You're a beta tester, so don't panic if the app crashes. Send a bug report or install one of the other apps instead.

Code for the calculation library is at [ https://gitlab.com/antti.brax/IVCalculatorLibrary ]. Code for the app is at [ https://gitlab.com/antti.brax/IVCalculatorApp ].

Remember to be alert at all times.

Stay aware of your surroundings.

Mini IV Calculator(圖3)-速報App
