速報APP / 教育 / Chemistry form six

Chemistry form six





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Chemistry form six(圖1)-速報App

For a good learning of Chemistry form six, it is important to have easy access to the best Chemistry form six at any time.

This free application is a dynamic library powered by the best English educational websites specialized in Chemistry form six.

Courses on the following topics are obviously present in our application.

-States of matter

- Solubility

- Avogadro s Law

- Boyle s Law

- Charles Law

- Ideal Gas Equation

Chemistry form six(圖2)-速報App

- Introduction to Gases

- Introduction to Solutions

- Concentration Units

- Freezing and Boiling Points

- Atomic structure

-Particles and mixtures

- Atomic number, mass number and isotopes

- Formula mass and mole calculations

- Development of the periodic table

- Groups and periods

Chemistry form six(圖3)-速報App

- Group 1 - the alkali metals

- Group 7 - the halogens

- Quantitative chemistry

- Formulae and equations

- Chemical calculations

- Chemical reactions and tests

-Ionic compounds

- Reversible reactions

- Oxygen and oxides

- Covalent substances

Chemistry form six(圖4)-速報App

- Measuring rates

- Testing for ions and gases

- Hydrogen and water

- Changing rates

- Reactivity series

- Electrolysis

- Metals

-Iron and aluminium

- Organic chemistry

-Alkanes and alkenes

Chemistry form six(圖5)-速報App

- Alcohols

- Carboxylic acids and esters

- Acids, alkalis and salts

- pH scale and indicators

- Making salts

- Energy


- Energy changes

- Crude oil and fuels

- Fractional distillation

Chemistry form six(圖6)-速報App

- Products and effects of combustion

- Polymers

- Chemical industry

-Ammonia and sulfuric acid

- Chlor-alkali industry

- Earth and the environment

-The crust

- The atmosphere

- Water purity

- Elements

Chemistry form six(圖7)-速報App

-Introduction to Elements

- Atomic Masses

- The Periodic Table

- Introduction to Elements

Chemistry form six(圖8)-速報App