速報APP / 社交 / MucuApp






版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




MucuApp brings together all the programs and activities that MUCU family as a church undertakes.It is a whole in one app for evrything that goes on in MUCU family.The programs and activities of MUCU familiy included in MucuApp include:

1.Bible Study-MucuApp has both the client side and the server side for the bible study.Members of MUCU family only register by a click of a button with no filling in of details(The details are captured once in the registration part upon installing the app and incase of an update of the MucuApp,only logging in is required) then their data is captured for grouping.The server side of the MucuApp groups the members only by a click of a button and it also facilitate automatic asigning of bs pastors.

2.Prayers Section-This section enables the members of MUCU family to send prayer items at the comfort of their homes.The prayers send is received by the admins who will then post them to the public domain for evrybody to see.


3.Testimony Section-Works the same as prayers

4.Announcement Section-Works the same as prayers

5.MUCU Programs-These are CBR,Baptism,BEST-P and BEC.Members of MUCU familiy are able to register,check details of other members within these dockets and download materials of the respective docket.


6.Ministries Section-This section contains all the ministries in MUCU family under these five categories.Members are able to send prayers,announcements and testimonies for each specific ministry after registration in that ministry,download documents specificlly for that ministry,Check other members in the ministry and group chat as a ministry.

7.Shop Section-Contains all the items that MUCU family as a church give with an appreciation under different categories e.gTshirts,Bibles,Books,Snacks etc.Members can view items under different categories and order the quantity of the items needed using their place/home/room address.Upon ordering the admins are notified and delivery done.

8.Library Section-Contains all the books in the library for the members to borrow


9.Eteams Section-Contains all the evangelical teams with MUCU-MC as a church.Members of MUCU can register for only one eteam and upon registration,the eteam member can send and see prayers,testimony and announcement of his/her eteam,download documents of thier eteam,check all the eteam members and group chat as an eteam.

10.Schools Section-Contains all the various school fellowships.Members register in only one school fellowship,send and recceive prayers,announcement,and testimony of the respective school,download ducuments of the school,view menbers and group chat as a school.

11.Associate Section-The associates can register with their specific details as associates,their detail can be viewed by all members and the associate can group chat as alluiminus.Also their is individual chats upon sending and receiving of friend request.


12.Chat Section-This section is a chat segment that resembles whatsapp wih the only difference of not saving phone numbers to be able to chat but as long as a member as registered in the MucuApp,they can send and accept friend requests,be friends and chat.It contains both individual and group chats.

13.Notifications Section-In this part push notifications can be send to any member that has registered in MucuApp.This works in such a way that even when the MucuApp is closed,the notification will be able to come in the foreground of the phone.

14.Blog Section-In this part members can send event images like in retreat,felowships,etc.People will be able to like and comment about the article or the image.


15.Social Sites Section-This section contains all the social platforms of MUCU familye.gMucu Website,Youtube,Facebook,Twitter and Instagram