版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本
Sprint Face is an Android Wear watch face which comes with a built-in Pomodoro-style time management tool for aiding focused work. Work is broken down into periods - called Sprints - separated by breaks.
During a Sprint you are supposed to work in a focused manner, avoiding interruptions.
Breaks between Sprints not only help with your productivity but can work against negative physiological effects of a sitting work style - in particular if you get up and walk around during breaks. Every once in a while you are supposed to take a longer break.
Sprint Face helps you with your time management:
☆ You can start and stop Sprint & Break cycles on your watch.
☆ The Sprint and Break dials show the length of work and break time passed.
☆ The Sprint dial shows the number of Sprints done today.
☆ You receive alerts - vibrations and popup notes - on the watch when a Sprint or Break period ends and when another one starts.
☆ Sprint Face can notice if you are not having 'proper' Sprint and Break periods, and can warn you by vibrations and popup notes on the watch.
☆ A chart on the watch displays Sprint counter and work time. The same chart is also on the companion phone app.
☆ The watch can send the Sprint data to the phone - either automatically, after every Sprint, or when you request it. These values are then shown on the phone app's chart.
☆ Sprint data can be saved as a .csv file on the phone.
☆ To avoid distractions, you can turn off notifications coming from the phone during Sprints.
☆ Ambient display can be dimmed or totally dark.
☆ You can choose from four color schemes: grey, blue, green and red. The color scheme changes when you tap in the middle of the watch display.
☆ To decrease the chance that the display is accidentally tapped, the watch screen can be locked.
☆ Grunge metal skin to emphasize work focus.