速報APP / 財經 / BitCoin Price ( Notification )

BitCoin Price ( Notification )




版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



BitCoin Price ( Notification )(圖1)-速報App

bitcoin ( notification ) is an easy and fast way to get the notification about the price of the bitcoin

BitCoin Price ( Notification )(圖2)-速報App

you can set it at the morning before work to check the finance

BitCoin Price ( Notification )(圖3)-速報App

or every 15 minute in the day => in order to see the finance at the time and do not miss it

BitCoin Price ( Notification )(圖4)-速報App

bitcoin ( notification ) help you to manage your salement & buy

BitCoin Price ( Notification )(圖5)-速報App

keep up the finance and do not miss a thing