速報APP / 家庭 / Space Bus

Space Bus





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Daniel Brennan 217 N Union St Smyrna, De 19977

Space Bus(圖1)-速報App

Space Bus is now totally free!

This is the ad free version of Space Bus. It will give you no ads or collect any information. The unity engine may take a minute to load when the app starts.

Space Bus is an educational space shooter set in our own Solar System. You will destroy asteroids and fend off malfunctioning mining drones while learning about each of the 8 planets in our Solar System. You will also visit 1 dwarf planet where a surprise awaits you as the mystery of the malfunctioning mining drones and asteroids is revealed. Sharpen your mind while you sharpen your flight skills!

Space Bus has 4 levels of difficulty that allow you to experience harder "field trips"as you progress. Level 1 is great for younger kids since the space bus cannot be damaged. My 5 year old plays Space Bus often on this level, even though he guesses on the test answers. Level 2 allows damage to the bus and will require some fancy flying. Level 3 and 4 spawn more enemy ships that are faster and smarter. While your avoiding destruction at the hands of the mining drones, your android text to speech manager will read you the informational text you need to learn, to make it to the next level.

The game supports an on screen Joystick, engine and fire buttons. It supports gyroscopes and accelerometers. All of these options are adjustable in the settings menu, where you can also adjust the music and effects volume, the flight sensitivity and other settings. The keyboard setting is for web or PC use. It requires a mouse to steer the vessel.

This app was tested on many devices. The pictures here are from my Droid Maxx phone which ran Space Bus at between 50 to 70 fps, and my Galaxy Tab 2 7" tablet which ran it between 15 to 40 fps.

The scoring works as follows:

1st Star: You get this one for finishing the level.

2nd Star: You get a star for beating the necessary score for that level.

Space Bus(圖2)-速報App

3rd Star: You get a star for not getting any questions wrong on the test at the end of the level.

3 Stars gets the letter grade A.

2 Stars gets the letter grade B.

1 Star gets the letter grade C.

0 Stars gets the letter grade F and you will return the the main menu to replay the level.

You can only get an F on difficulty levels 2 through 4, since they are the only difficulty levels where the space bus can be damaged. If the space bus is damaged too much, it will automatically retreat.

Space Bus (No Ads)

Bugs Fixed in version 1.1:

> Spelling, grammar and questions errors fixed.

Space Bus(圖3)-速報App

Bugs Fixed in version 1.2

>Gyro Roll with Touch Controls fix.

Bugs Fixed in version 1.3

> Typos fixed.

Update in version 1.4

> Removed the gyro / accelometer select button from the main game screen.

> Removed the orientation select button from the main game screen.

Update in Version 1.5

> Added text to the buttons.

Space Bus(圖4)-速報App

> Fixed an issue with reverse pitch.

> Fixed an issue with GUI re-sizing.

Space Bus(圖5)-速報App