速報APP / 娛樂 / The Great Wall Daydream

The Great Wall Daydream





版本需求:Android 因裝置而異



聯絡地址:C-Mine 12 3600 Genk Belgium

The Great Wall Daydream(圖1)-速報App

Take a seat in a rocket-powered Rikshaw on top of one of the most famous wonders of the world.

This ride gives you a thrilling experience while you rush through China's wild history at rocket speed.

The Great Wall Daydream(圖2)-速報App

An immersive 360° cinematic VR experience with real stereoscopic 3D popping into your face.

TIPS : For have the better result, please follow these rules:

The Great Wall Daydream(圖3)-速報App

1. Be sure you have enough Space for Downloading the App (300 Mb)

2. Be sure you don't run too many app at the same time.

The Great Wall Daydream(圖4)-速報App

3. !!! Be seated for the best experience and your own safety !!!

The Great Wall Daydream(圖5)-速報App