速報APP / 商業 / Karnataka Golf Association

Karnataka Golf Association





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:16 Raffles Quay #41-01 Hong Leong Building Singapore 048581

Karnataka Golf Association(圖1)-速報App

It was in 1973, that a group of avid golfers from Karnataka, embarked on a mission of identifying Bangalore as the golfing capital of South India. The search for a suitable site for an international standard golf course started in right earnest and in May 1980, the then Chief Minister of Karnataka, Shri. R Gundu Rao personally took the initiative to hand over 125 acres of land in Challaghatta to the Karnataka Golf Association.

Karnataka Golf Association(圖2)-速報App

Karnataka Golf Association(圖3)-速報App

Karnataka Golf Association(圖4)-速報App

Karnataka Golf Association(圖5)-速報App

Karnataka Golf Association(圖6)-速報App

Karnataka Golf Association(圖7)-速報App